Tinyfox Software

The software to control the Tinyfox Transmitter is located in the flash of the microcontroller.
The software was released by me (DL3SDO) under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3.
This means that you are allowed to modify the software and/or use it for your own projects,
but only if you again release the software under the GPL !
This e.g. means that you

A detailed description of how to assemble the software and to flash the µC can be found in the Documentation
and in Programming.

The Tinyfox Software that you can download from this page contains already the objectfile that can be flashed into the microcontroller. You need an assembler only in case you modify the sourcecode, e.g. Microchip's (formerly Atmel's) AVRASM2 assembler. The assembler cannot be obtained stand-alone, but as part of Microchip's Atmel Studio.

Download Tinyfox Software V5.5 (for ATtiny45/ATtiny25) (ZIP-File)

Download Tinyfox Software V5.4 (für ATtiny45/ATtiny25)     Download Tinyfox Software V5.3 (für ATtiny45/ATtiny25)     Download Tinyfox Software V5.2 (für ATtiny45/ATtiny25)

Last changes:
03.05.17   5.1     If the Config switch is pressed longer than 2.1s during key configuration then 
                   the next key to be put out is MOE
                   If the Config switch is pressed longer than 2.1s during callsign configuration 
                   then the next key to be put out is 0
19.05.20   5.2     Default for Battery voltage measurement is now 2
                   QUARTZ mode can be selected through command line parameter
28.12.20   5.3     LED can be deactivated after 5 min of operation (by changed and extended TxIndication configuration)
26.02.21   5.4     For interval mode, a 2.5min interval (30s duration) can be configured
                   ISR tick adjustment (for clock correction) changed
                   Code refactoring and optimization
05.03.22   5.5     Selection between two configuration sets (by new configuration item 11)

Version with possibility to configure keying speed and to measure battery voltage (GPL V2):

Download Tinyfox Software V4.2 (for ATtiny45/ATtiny25) (ZIP-File)

Version without possibility to configure keying speed and to measure battery voltage (GPL V2):

Download Tinyfox Software V3.0 (for ATtiny25) (ZIP-File)     Download Tinyfox Software V2.0 (for ATtiny13) (ZIP-File)